Saturday, January 31, 2009


At long last, the RNC has finally realized that they've alienated people for only 8 years, according to the news article I read this morning in my paper, the Houston Chronicle. It seems everyone was on the same page during the Clinton years. With the election of Michael Steele, the first black RNC chairman, the GOP will be working to "improve its image" after the media and Democrats have wrongly accused them of being out of touch with the public, dictatorial, and careless of the well-being of our country.
"Wrong?!" Sounds like the whole party is in denial of their actions under the leadership of G.W. Bush and is trying to sweep the last 8 years of complete dismissal of the public's needs and wants, gross abuse of power, and the rule of law(US Constitutional law and precedents) under a giant rug. Not to mention total non-bipartisanship, though that was the campaign theme when Bush ran!
"Cleaning the slate" is going to be a tough sell, involving the "leopard changing its spots", which, as everyone knows, is code for no change at all. Underneath is the same old cat, waiting for the chance to pounce. Then too, the House and Senate Republicans have to do the same thing, and they've already shown how "bipartisan" they are: voting unanimously in one body against Obama's economic stimulus package.
Until the GOP stops regarding people who are moderately liberal as FOES, instead of fellow Americans, NO change AT ALL, NO image improvement, will ever take place. Wake up idiots and smell the coffee! Bringing in minorities is just a token facelift, and a pretty empty gesture at that. Bringing your ideology into REALITY is what's really needed if you want to be trusted again. Your party and Dubya drove this country and the economy into the ground. You are to blame. And you're still in denial.

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