Let's review the past blunders of Dubya's 2 terms:
- Removal of the 1972 Nuclear Arms Non- Proliferation Treaty;
- Defining terrorists as armed combatants not affiliated to any country's military, but conducting combat in a specific country;
- Using above definition, this allowed Dubya to abuse our signatories of the Geneva Convention Articles of 1957 re: torture, capture, and human rights;
- Ignorance of several Bills of Rights in our Constitution, namely: warrantless wiretapping, habeus corpus, freedom of speech; freedom of assembly;
- Reinstatement of the Cold War, by placing a missile base in Poland only miles away from the Russian border;
- Crossing the line of separation of Church and State, a precedent set by past Presidents, by allowing employers to use religious beliefs as a basis for hiring or firing employees, in a Presidential signing statement(it was his first act in his first term, on his first day);
- Abuse of military troop rotations, creating vets with severe PTSD; appalling treatment of wounded soldiers in our VA hospitals in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere throughout the country! ;
- Getting rid of Justice Dept. fully qualified attorneys based on political beliefs;
- Interference in a State's(TEXAS!) justice procedures when 2 Border Patrol agents were railroaded for shooting a drug lord; (they're STILL in prison!) the judges who heard the case and the appeal were Republican toady appointees by Dubya;
- The insistence by Dubya, Dead-Eye Dick and other administration officials of the truth re: lead up to Iraq invasion;
- The stupid waste of billions of dollars that could have gone to worthwhile projects(LIKE BRIDGE REPAIR) on a 700 mile border wall, of which only approximately 100 miles was built... where'd the rest of the money go? Because they stopped working on it...
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