Friday, May 15, 2009

American Churches

I was brought up to be a good Christian. But when I became an adult, I saw too often how many self-professed Christians are really the back-sliding reprobates so often denigrated in the teachings of Paul.
I've tried several times to join a Christian church, but I just can't get on board with organized religion. Too controlling, too intolerant, and too political. For a group that promotes brotherly love, forgiveness, and charity, there's far too much hate, bigotry, and hypocrisy to spout what they obviously don't practice in their own personal lives. For those of you who ARE good Christians and reading this, I apologize now, for what I've just observed.
Too many churches have only one race in their congregations. Too many have become so enraptured by the conservative movement in the past 2 decades, that they are now lobbying amongst Republican Congressional members to get the Bible taught in public schools. Here in Texas, some of our own state's legislators have already done so.
They don't like anything remotely liberal. But if they'd just think about what they're saying, the United States of America's Constitution is just about the most liberal document ever produced by enlightened men after the Revolution.
They have several arguments they use to address people who believe in separation of Church and State: the motto, "in God we trust" is on all our monetary currency; there's nothing wrong with the Bible's teachings in a public school; the 10 commandments are in many courthouses throughout the country.
Those are nice sentiments. I have nothing wrong with putting the 10 commandments in a public school, because it is a code of conduct, a set of laws. The rest of the Bible needs to remain in Sunday school classrooms, not public ones. That's why there are schools sponsored by organized religious groups.
The divide comes when the Bible should be taught in science classrooms for it's creationism as an alternative BALANCE to Darwinism and science in general. Also, they seem to be using only the Protestant Bible. There are many Bibles, so if it is to be taught, then it follows that ALL BIBLES, and ALL RELIGIONS AND THEIR FACTIONS/GROUPS should be taught as well.
My argument is this: there is already a place for all the religions and bibles to be taught. It's called THEOLOGY, and is taught in many universities and colleges throughout the world, in HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS, as well as SEMINARIES throughout the country and the world.
There is no place in public schools for the Bible, any Bible, or other religious tome, in the public classrooms, even as an elective. It belongs in the Churches, their private schools, in homes, and in seminaries. It SHOULD NEVER BE SOMETHING THAT CAN BE REGULATED BY GOVERNMENT. NEVER. This movement by conservatives is a form of passive anarchy to turn our democracy into a theocracy. These people who advocate this are the most UN-AMERICAN Americans since Nixon's witch-hunt for communists. For shame.
I'm sick to death already of one religious group starting a jihad against us in the West. But I'm even more disgusted with so-called American Christians shoving their dogma down MY throat in an attempt to legislate moral virtues which they themselves don't, nor can't, exhibit in their daily lives.


  1. I agree with everything u have just written, and I do believe that the children of tomorrow should be made to understand the differences of religion and its impact on culture.

    Knowledge is the future as knowledge goes leads understanding .

    Carry on writing as I waiting anxiously for your next blog .

    we r all lost without people that will stand up and voice their opinion


  2. :-) a lady after my own heart - Gr8 ;-)
