Friday, January 2, 2009

End Of An Error!

Don't know about yall, but I'm ready to begin the count-down of days until Dubya leaves office, and Obama takes the oath of office Tuesday, Jan. 2o, 2oo9! T-minus 3 days and counting...
Let's review the past blunders of Dubya's 2 terms:
  1. Removal of the 1972 Nuclear Arms Non- Proliferation Treaty;
  2. Defining terrorists as armed combatants not affiliated to any country's military, but conducting combat in a specific country;
  3. Using above definition, this allowed Dubya to abuse our signatories of the Geneva Convention Articles of 1957 re: torture, capture, and human rights;
  4. Ignorance of several Bills of Rights in our Constitution, namely: warrantless wiretapping, habeus corpus, freedom of speech; freedom of assembly;
  5. Reinstatement of the Cold War, by placing a missile base in Poland only miles away from the Russian border;
  6. Crossing the line of separation of Church and State, a precedent set by past Presidents, by allowing employers to use religious beliefs as a basis for hiring or firing employees, in a Presidential signing statement(it was his first act in his first term, on his first day);
  7. Abuse of military troop rotations, creating vets with severe PTSD; appalling treatment of wounded soldiers in our VA hospitals in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere throughout the country! ;
  8. Getting rid of Justice Dept. fully qualified attorneys based on political beliefs;
  9. Interference in a State's(TEXAS!) justice procedures when 2 Border Patrol agents were railroaded for shooting a drug lord; (they're STILL in prison!) the judges who heard the case and the appeal were Republican toady appointees by Dubya;
  10. The insistence by Dubya, Dead-Eye Dick and other administration officials of the truth re: lead up to Iraq invasion;
  11. The stupid waste of billions of dollars that could have gone to worthwhile projects(LIKE BRIDGE REPAIR) on a 700 mile border wall, of which only approximately 100 miles was built... where'd the rest of the money go? Because they stopped working on it...
Dubya still has time to do more damage, let's pray Laura gets him so drunk he can't talk or pick up a pen. Amen.

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